Mig Mike, gimme a draft.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Transmission

Check out this Lafayette band called the Transmission. I heard about them a while ago from Schickenbutt. They sound kind of like Brainiac. Highest quarity.

There are more flyers scanned under the flyers link. Does anyone have any from Metropolis? All the ones I have are mostly from the Bayou, the Wall, the Pussycat, and the Rinky Dink. I'm missing a key time period. As far as the places where the shows were, does this sound about right:
Before 1990: Haricot's, Shriner Hall, wherever
1992: Bluebird
1992-93: The Bayou
1993-94: The Wall
1994-9?: Metropolis
1999: The Pussycat
2000-0?: The Rinky Dink
If that's about right, what was going on in 91? Were there no shows that year? Also, I'm not sure when Metropolis bit it. I did find this account from a 1994 Planet Shock tour log about a Metropolis show that is kind of interesting reading.

Also, is Dave "Bootleggin" Hubbell in jail yet?

Friday, April 29, 2005

Zines, and Bozi's (Bosie's?) actual name revealed

There are samplings of several old Lafayette zines here. Ah, yes, you remember these things. Cool artwork, hard hitting articles ("Doin Nothin With Heads of State", "The Stocking Cap Controversy", etc.), and reviews of pretty much every single record in Dischord's catalog. Deshazo quote: "Wingnut is tighter than my asshole. They are really nice guys too."

If the link appears dead, it's probably because the bandwidth has been exceeded. We're only allowed 10 meg per day.


Also check out Ronnie, T'so, and Ursula protesting the first Gulf War. Damn hippies. Ronnie looks like he's 5.


David Delatte. 

Thursday, April 28, 2005

New scans

I scanned more flyers, and also some stuff from some old zines. They're located at the Flyers and Zines links on the right of the page.

Pussycat flyer / t-shirt design. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Some old flyers

I broke down and bought a scanner. Here are a few vintage flyers done by the one and only Mr. D. E. Smith. (round of applause) You've got your Revolution Skateshop opening, your Fugazi at Haricot's, your Severin at The Wall, and of course Toxic Youth at their seminal "In the parking lot on the side of Lee's Furniture on Jefferson Street in downtown Lafayette" show. I'll archive them in a link on the right side of the page pretty soon. Who the hell were the Flaming Immigrants?

Fugazi @ Haricot's - 1989 

Severin @ The Wall - 1993 

Revolution Skateshop - 1989(?) 

Toxic Youth @ parking lot - 1990 

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

minor update.

Jesus Lizard in Lafayette circa 1990(?) Posted by Hello

I'm not sure where this was at. I think it was either at The Bayou (the one owned by Terry of Fat City, not the one in Baton Rouge) or it might have been at the Bluebird. I think I still have a flyer for this somewhere.

Anyways, I've been working on various things, such as scanning some old flyers, recording more old stuff, trying to make some mpeg clips of Roo Slee, scanning some old t-shirt designs, etc. I've got some of it done, but not enough to post it anywhere yet.

I wasn't going to post this photo, but it is just way too retarded.

hair helmet. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Goodbye Hello Acadiana

TV3: Now with 30% more forehead! Posted by Hello

I was shocked and horrified to learn that TV10 KLFY no longer uses the "Hello Acadiana" song during it's broadcasts. How many times have we drowned our homesickness at the local bar by singing this song like some drunken Irish soccer fans? From their webmaster: "it was discontinued because our corporate company has decided to go with a standard music selection for all of its stations." And the guy didn't even know who the Great Boudini was. What the hell is up with that? I mean granted, I was asking for pics of a cajun magician with a foam rubber alligator that was never even on TV10 in the first place, but still. As I think Josh Chappell once famously said, "if you couldn't catch the Great Boudini over the air, you a yankee." So if anyone still has a videotape with it or the TV10 song, let me know. Also, I would like to get some of the old commercials if anyone is lucky enough to have them. Ones like, "Tires ain't pretty. They don't smell good, they don't taste good, but you gotta have 'em." (I think that was a metaphor for vaginas.) Or Creole Pecan Fruit Cake, any Sam's, On Time, or Right On Fashions, or any of the ones with Bossman saying "letemhavit."

Well, I gotta go. I'm goin' to Jim Tatman's mobile homes.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Stephen S. has a new band going called Collapsar. Kind of sounds like Icepick, minus the screaming, and maybe more technical? They so badass they even gots them whatchu call a logo and whatnot:

They have a site here that has several MP3s, including a tribute to the late great Ed Abel. There are also two more songs here and here. Also, an interview. It's good to see that Stephen's doing well. He was always such a good boy.

On a side note, there are still Icepick Revival tracks available here and here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Some new stuff...

There are a few new songs at Five Deuce Deuce. A song each from Rare Avis, Brown Idol, Philo Beddoe, and yes, the Megatron Jones track that I know you've all been waiting for. I'm not totally sure, but I suspect that those guys may have been in the school band. Just a guess. I also suspect that if you were to listen to the whole tape, you would find either a Klingon joke or a reference to having sex with 7 of 9. Please, at least listen up to the tongue in cheek whitey rap part. And on the FiddyFile site, there is a Brown Idol cover. Schickenbutt has uncovered the motherlode of old local recordings, so we'll be adding stuff continuously for a while. We're also looking for a place to store video clips.

Interestingly, the Full Hank song reached #46 on the goth metal charts at Soundclick. Even more interestingly, it only had 6 plays. That's some fierce competition in that there goth metal category, I tell you what. If you really want some entertainment, go to the chart and listen to a few adjacent goth tracks.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Toxin III

I've been wanting to hear some Otis (super old band w/ Chris Cart, Ricky, and Danny where Danny played drums made out of chunks of metal while the other two pulled out die grinders and started showering the audience with sparks) so I was searching on the web and found this. I had never even heard of them, but Chris Cart's old band was called Toxin III and Hyped to Death records has re-mastered and re-released their EP. I had no idea Acadiana had this kind of punk rock cred. I thought all we had was the Zen Bastards. Can it get more seminal than the Zen Bastards? Hmmm, I may have to get the CD and find out. Love the cover design.

Now, witness the the horror...

Ok, let me revise that. The mo' horror. Check out the way he has the exact same expression in every friggin' photo. I delved into the "celeb photos" section and seriously couldn't find a single photo where he doesn't have the proctology exam grimace on his face. I'm pretty sure he died in the 80's and KSMB embalmed him. Also, in late breaking news, Pauly Shore visits the KSMB studios!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Photos from the Pussycat

Here's a link I found related to the old Pussycat Lounge from Poster Children's tour log here. You may recognize some of the hooligans in the photos.

Posted by Hello

I also found this from Knockers the Clown of Circus Redickuless, but I can't find the link now.

From Knockers the Klown on the Pussycat:

"Lafayette was the town that left the greatest impression on me. We performed in an old feed house. I guess they made food for animals there and now it is abandoned so the kids do shows there. It was cold and the place had no heat or running water. As I was getting ready for the show Chicken John came up to me, with a smirk on his face and said something about how much this show was going to do for my career! I had gone straight from the world famous Improv in Hollywood to this abandoned building in Louisiana. I just asked him not to mention this to my manager. He wouldn't be impressed."

"The audience was rowdy and drunk. The place was packed! They had no stage so they pressed up real close to us performers just to fit themall in. As the show kicked in I started to realize that this is what I live for. These drunks were begging for some quality entertainment and they were getting it. They were right there on stage with us, talking to us and having a great time!"

"When we came to the part of the show where Chicken John fires a bottle rocket out of an audience member's butt crack, the whole house fell down. The brave young man who turned his back to the audience and lowered his pants was actually using twine for a belt!!!! TWINE! I thought that was just a joke I had seen on Beverly Hillbillys. I was so impressed."

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Tickle Dracula

Richard G., aka Magnum McDaniels, has a new band called Tickle Dracula, composed of guitar, drums, and stand-up comedian. They've got a site with seven songs here. I saw them on April 1st at the Knitting Factory with Stuckey and Murray, Sharon Mama Spell, and Jessica Delfino and they were all awesome. For some reason there was a fratboy invasion during Stuckey and Murray though. Why do fratboys always seem to appear in packs? It's like the fucking fratborg. There's got to be some kind of underlying intelligence controlling them.

Generic Cobra Lackey: "Cobra Commander, there is a show at the Knitting Factory that appears to be going well. Shall we deploy the fratboys?"
Cobra Commander: "Yes, deploy them immediately. Set their vocabularies to stunningly retarded."

But I kid you. Fratboys. Underlying intelligence. Ha.

Friday, April 08, 2005

One Man Machine and Quitcho Grabassin'

Bernard P. has a new project called One Man Machine. He'll be going on tour in May and has an electronic press kit here. It's got four songs of pure Bernard craziness, not to mention tuba tomfoolery, and plate lunch pyrotechnics.

On a side note:

Boy, you ain't done pissin' yella yet. Posted by Hello

This is a Lenny Moore card from the 1960's. I had always heard he played pro ball, but never believed it. I'm not sure if this is actually him though.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ok, here we go, fiddycentdraft 1.0.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was Lafayette. You couldn't wait to get the fuck out, but when you got wherever you were going, something seemed to be missing. What was it? Plate lunches? The crazy coonasses? Creole Pecan Fruit Cake (CPFC)? Big Mike? Certainly, these are some of the things that define the town. (In fact, I call for dipping Big Mike in either bronze or a carbon freezing unit and setting him up as a statue on the strip. I'm pretty sure that he rose from the primordial ooze under Mako's bathroom, so it's only fitting.) However, I think that it was an even more powerful and glorious (or insidious?) force - FIFTY CENT DRAFT. It permeated every inch of that town. What's that you say? You don't believe in the awesome force of the fiddycent? Then explain why Obi Wan Deshazo falls to his knees everytime a Milwaukee's Beast truck flips over somewhere. (Good lord, two star wars references in one paragraph. I've turned into Scott.)

Anyway, after living there, it's hard to call anywhere else home. I mean, you pass out at someone's house and wet the couch ONCE and they're all like, "egad, you've sullied the IKEA!! We just had it delivered!" Foolish mortals. Seasoned veterans know that any couch worth it's weight can absorb three to four wettings. Or, you go to a party, crack a joke about Super Swampers or "my Rockford Fosgates bruh" and get nothing back but blank stares. What the hell is wrong with these people? ROCKFORD FOSGATES. Didn't they learn anything in school? "Delcambre Reeboks?" Nothing. But, in their defense, I don't really get their Vice magazine references either, so it's probably mutual. What I'm saying is I miss having you crazy fuckers around ackin the foo.

So this site is basically a place to see what current and ex-Lafayetians are doing. One of the best things about Lafayette for me was the way everyone was always doing something. Whether it was making music or art, writing, building something, or whatever, it seemed like everybody had some kind of creative outlet. Now that we're all spread across the country (and the globe) it's hard to keep up with what's going on. And I know you fuckers are still up to no good in the hood.

With that in mind, the idea here is for this blog to be a place to store pictures, links, etc. of what everyone is doing, and then on another site we're going to post MP3's of current stuff and old local bands. I had to pose as a band called Five Deuce Deuce Jefferson Street to get the soundclick site for the MP3's, so ignore the band bio crap. I plan on changing it after it's been up for a while. I'll post the songs as band name then the song name. The good thing is they have no limit on the number of MP3's they will host. The bad side is the pop up ads and that we can't post cover songs which is kind of a bummer. Here's the address: Five Deuce Deuce .

So let us know what you think and what's going on. If you've got music, art scans, a website, boob photos, etc. get in touch with me or the Shaz and we'll link to them or put them on here. Music has to be original songs (not covers) in MP3 form. I'll see if I can rustle up a free image hosting space as well. Well, that's about it.