Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
NOLA info
For more specific NOLA info, you might want to check out some of the links on Cajun Ken's blog. Who is Ken Wheaton, you ask? Well, he's the guy who runs around NYC with a Louisiana flag tied around his neck like a cape. Oh wait, damn... I lost the picture...
New Orleans hoodlums, report!
Hey NOLA folks, if you see this post, give us a shout out in the comments or something. Everybody's worried about you and keeps asking about you. Bernard, Chimento, Brett, Louisiana's Leroux, Pam & Toby, Marie, Curtis, Master P, Jody, Ronnie, Juvenile, Julie, Adele, Justin Wilson, Honey Island Swamp Monster, etc. this means you. Bernard, I'm pretty scared for your house... Bywater is part of the 9th Ward isn't it? Mike Smiley is safe in Alexandria. Other than that, I haven't talked to anyone. Where y'at?
more promos
More promo photos from shows at Metropolis: you can tell that 1996-7 was when the whole swing thing was still kicking. G.E. Smith (of Saturday Night Live Band and Hall and Oates fame) played with Taylor Barton (his wife). Then there's the Mighty Blue Kings, and then the last three photos are of Indigo Swing.

Monday, August 29, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
NOLA, get the hell out of Dodge
I hope all you New Orleans folk have gotten the hell out of there by now. Katrina looks like some serious boo-shit.
misc. stuff
This is just a bunch of miscellaneous stuff that I have scanned. Jenkins just sent a bunch of promo photos that I'm working on, and I'll forget about this stuff if I don't post it now.

Urbosleeks print

Servotron (Man or Astroman side project) flyer or handout from Metropolis

Scott in the park downtown

shitty clipart flyer from an 8th Street Halloween party

David Duke bumper sticker. Before everybody jumps all over me, I was never a Duke supporter. Me, Bob, Donny, and T'so thought it would be funny to go to a Duke rally in Crowley (or Rayne maybe, don't remember exactly.) After he would say something, the crowd would start freaking out, and we would yell stuff like "kill whitey" or "I wanna be black." I know that's not particularly creative, but it was pretty funny because the old racists would turn around and smile at us and wave because they couldn't really tell what we were saying amid the roar of the crowd. They thought we were some young kids down with the cause. I should point out that there were actually people sieg heiling Duke. Craziness.

flyer from one of Aletha's art shows

Urbosleeks print

Servotron (Man or Astroman side project) flyer or handout from Metropolis

Scott in the park downtown

shitty clipart flyer from an 8th Street Halloween party

David Duke bumper sticker. Before everybody jumps all over me, I was never a Duke supporter. Me, Bob, Donny, and T'so thought it would be funny to go to a Duke rally in Crowley (or Rayne maybe, don't remember exactly.) After he would say something, the crowd would start freaking out, and we would yell stuff like "kill whitey" or "I wanna be black." I know that's not particularly creative, but it was pretty funny because the old racists would turn around and smile at us and wave because they couldn't really tell what we were saying amid the roar of the crowd. They thought we were some young kids down with the cause. I should point out that there were actually people sieg heiling Duke. Craziness.

flyer from one of Aletha's art shows
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Xrong and Junkyard Dog
These are two scans of Xrong, a small zine that we think Brandt had something to do with, but we're not sure. Get all of the latest 14 year old dirt on Piece Core, August Spies, and Chronicles of Hate. They even talk a little trash about some local band called Not Responsible. Also, I moved the scans of the zines from the Ripway page to here. I'm trying to make room on the Ripway account for more flyers.

Scott has this autographed picture of JYD. I think this may have been from his "showing up at Cafe 101 and trying to get people to give him 5 bucks for an autograph" days.

Scott has this autographed picture of JYD. I think this may have been from his "showing up at Cafe 101 and trying to get people to give him 5 bucks for an autograph" days.

Thursday, August 25, 2005
Some art
Well, Scott just came home drunk, stood in the doorway of my room slurring something about there being "too many goddamn Adam Sandler movies on TV", and while he was rambling he was unbuttoning his pants. It was kind of frightening. Anyway, here are a couple of random artworks.

Really old drawing by Dana. Margaret sent this in. See if you can find the hidden swastikas!

This is a drawing by Thomas Couvillion that I found in one of my folders.

This is a cartoon I made when I was a kid about a gay Garfield. Ok, so I was a pre-teen homophobe. But hey, it's still better than this crap.

Jessica Fern painted this, intending it to be a portrait of her brother. When she was done, she thought it looked more like me instead. I'm still not sure what to think about that.

This is a masterpiece by Margaret's daughter Stella. Simple, yet complex. Forceful, yet restrained. Enigmatic, yet whatever the opposite of enigmatic is.

Really old drawing by Dana. Margaret sent this in. See if you can find the hidden swastikas!

This is a drawing by Thomas Couvillion that I found in one of my folders.

This is a cartoon I made when I was a kid about a gay Garfield. Ok, so I was a pre-teen homophobe. But hey, it's still better than this crap.

Jessica Fern painted this, intending it to be a portrait of her brother. When she was done, she thought it looked more like me instead. I'm still not sure what to think about that.

This is a masterpiece by Margaret's daughter Stella. Simple, yet complex. Forceful, yet restrained. Enigmatic, yet whatever the opposite of enigmatic is.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Ticket Stubs
Mike Mcbane sent this scan of some old ticket stubs he saved. Some of these are pretty damn old. Van Halen in '82? A shirt from that show would go for about $500 these days in Williamsburg. From Mike: "The butth one is the butthole surfers at the varsity in BR, JT fainted at that show during the penis surgery video." Good times! After looking at these, I can say with a good deal of pride that I, unlike Mike, have never seen Loverboy play live.

Ok, so maybe I do have this Loverboy folder and picture disc, BUT THAT'S IT. I swear.

Here are two more ticket stubs that Scott has: BB King at Blackham and Jesus Lizard at Grant Street.

Ok, so maybe I do have this Loverboy folder and picture disc, BUT THAT'S IT. I swear.

Here are two more ticket stubs that Scott has: BB King at Blackham and Jesus Lizard at Grant Street.

Saturday, August 20, 2005
Promo photos
These promo photos are mostly from Metropolis shows. The Dismemberment Plan played on March 29, 1996 opening for Power Tribe. Medeski, Martin, and Wood played March 20, 1996 and Liquidrone opened. The Poster Children promo is from later, I think maybe from their show at The Pussycat in 1999.

Friday, August 19, 2005
Scott's flyers, part II
More flyers from Scott: Truth Decay / Afangulo at Metropolis, a Metropolis August 1996 calendar, Truth Decay / Sanpakus at Metropolis, and a Truth Decay flyer that I had for a Houston show. The common element on all of these is Truth Decay. They were a Houston band with ex-members of the Pain Teens that played in Lafayette a lot. The Cellar show was one that Ralph had left at our house during one of the Halloween parties. He's now in a band called Swarm of Angels. There's one more Truth Decay flyer, but it's too big to scan. The Metropolis calendar has a lot of other local bands listed.

Thursday, August 18, 2005
More flyers
These flyers are some of Scott's stuff. Flesh Logs at the Milton Civic Center, Fountainhead / Full Hank at the Bayou, Kevin Sekhani Band / Toxic Youth at Boadi's, and Three / Fountainhead at a mysterious location on Hwy. 90 by a flashing light. The Flesh Logs one was probably one of those Bag O' Bands shows. Boadi's became The Bayou, then something else, then Sound Factory. Not sure what it is now. It was Jefferson Street Cafe before it was Boadi's. Black Flag supposedly played there. I think I would have been scared to go to the Three show at an unnamed club by Duson.