Mig Mike, gimme a draft.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hand Bob the Spoon site

Carl from Hand Bob the Spoon has put up a soundclick site with a couple of tracks. The main page is here, and the music page with mp3s is here. Check it out, it had been like 10 years since I heard those guys! April and Carl are both now professors up North, and I should also point out that Hand Bob featured a young Chadwick of future Frigg-a-go-go fame. (He was such a nice boy then. What happened?)

Chadwick Power! 


Blogger Hillarysofhouston said...

Crazy, I found a box while cleaning up after the hurricane last month and in it was like 7 band Tee's and a stack of Nite Caps & the Keg uniform shirts. Interesting because I never worked at either place. Amongst the nostalgia was CDs and swag from bands such as, October Ground Fly,Acid bath, Spank the Monkey,Mystic Fix, Three, and of course (because what Lafayette mid 90s collection would be without it) the iconic Hand BOB the spoon white ringer tee.
Out of curiosity I decided to search for the bands that I spent so much of my teen years idolizing to see who went on to stardom and who became the Al Bundy archetype (did he ever tell you about the time when he was a quarterback at Polk High?) I could only find your short post here and a defunct MySpace page that had not been updated since the WB was a channel (Google it kids).
So I would be really interested to know if you know what became of the rest of that wave of local talent? With the exceptions of Mystic Fix and Acid Bath, those are guys I'm still friends with so I keep up with their current gigs and whatnot.
Thanks for the post and the time you took to read this. Looking forward to catching up with the past.
Love and Luxury,
Hillary Marek

4:16 AM  

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